Coherent Water Resonators
Project goals and system configuration: Reduce blue-green algae blooms associated with elevated soluble reactive phosphorous levels within a small protected 25 acre section of Steilacoom Lake. Reduction in soluble reactive phosphorous would occur due to an increase in the oxygen content of the water creating greater microbial action. One Coherent Water Resonator was installed at the test site during mid November of 2003. At the time of the installation the lake was experiencing a severe blue-green algae bloom that was producing surface scums at various locations throughout the lake and at the test site. Two sampling stations were selected inside the test site and five control sites were selected throughout the rest of the lake basin. All sampling stations were monitored electronically with a Hydrolab 4A at specified intervals for dissolved oxygen, conductivity, pH, and temperature. Secchi disk readings were also recorded during sampling events. Within the test site, one Hydrolab was positioned so that the monitoring probes recorded data on an hourly basis within one foot of the bottom substrate.
How it works (taken from Coherent Resources web site):
Step 1:
Due to water molecules’ polar nature, they are attracted to each other by weak electrical forces commonly known as Hydrogen bonds (shown here in green).
Step 2:
When water warms or receives energy (heat or electron energy), it begins to ionize, forming H3O (hydronium) and OH- (hydroxide) components.
Step 3:
The CWR™ generates specialized coherent electromagnetic waves that break apart OH-ions.
Step 4:
As the energy of the water is increased by the CWR’s vibrations, the additional oxygen ions from the broken OH- are attracted and loosely bound to the hydrogen end of a water molecule; thus increasing the oxygen in the water.
Results: The experiment was in place for approximately four weeks. The unit failed to produce any visual or chemical changes at the test site that were not similar to those identified at the control sites. During the duration of the experiment the algae bloom present at the test site decreased in magnitude. However the bloom lake-wide also responded in the same fashion. Secchi disk readings increased lake wide as algae counts decreased lake wide. Coherent Resources, Inc. states that the oxygen levels at the site increased from 0 to 8.5 ppm within 24 hours of the installation. This statement is not supported by any data produced during the experiment and, in fact, dissolved oxygen levels at the site never fell below 9.5 ppm prior to or after the installation. As a result of the equipment not meeting the anticipated goals established, no further consideration has been given for lake wide use of the Coherent Water Resonator (CWR).