Our lake consultant, Doug Dorling has been working with the Department of Ecology as well as the Washington Department of Fish & Wildlife to try to get an earlier treatment date for the lake. Currently our permit does not allow us to treat earlier than June 16th. Given the unusually high temperatures we have been experiencing this spring, the algae and weed counts are considerably above normal. Doug was successful in securing permission to treat earlier and the treatment will take place on Friday and Saturday, June 10th & 11th. They will be applying Hydorthol 191 for the algae, then following up after June 16th with the Diaquat treatment of the weeds. We would appreciate it if you would refrain from boat traffic on those days. While it does not affect the distribution of the chemicals, it makes it very difficult for the applicators to work if their boat is rocking too much. Please help us get a successful application by withholding boat usage so that we can all enjoy great lake water through the summer.