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Lake Treatment

Notice –

The lake has held up exceptionally well for an additional two weeks beyond when we normally treat, especially considering the extreme heat we have been experiencing and the rising water temperatures. However, we are experiencing a growth in the southern basin of filamentous algae and some limited weed growth as well.

Treatment will begin as early as 7/17 and complete within 2 days. Please keep in mind that algae turns a whitish color as it dies and may windrow against the shorelines, depending on where you live. 

For those of you who have noticed a drop in the water levels, this is similar to what was experienced last year. We have less water flowing in from the creeks and the subterranean inflow at the south basin. Due to the reduced inflow and our requirement to keep water flowing for the Chambers Creek fish hatchery, the levels will continue to drop until rainfalls rejuvenate the creeks.

This treatment should make for great water quality for the upcoming hot days.

Independence Day Boat Parade

Get ready for the amazing Lake Steilacoom Independence Day Boat Parade
We will be congregating at 11:45 at the location shown on the attached image. This is different than prior years so please note the new location. We will listen for organizer Brad Border’s announcement, then head out to circumnavigate the lake. 

Prizes, of course. Once again, Tom Peterson from the Lakewood Original House of Donuts will be donating great donut prizes. They will be for the following best of show in these categories:


New for this year is another category…BEST SPECTATOR PARTICIPATION. So gussy up your yards and be ready to cheer the boat floats on! Dress up, decorate and get your noise makers out, be the ones to WIN!

Take a look at the map to see the starting point and figure it will take over an hour to round the lake so you can be out at the appropriate time with your bells and whistles.

Lake Treatment 6/17/24

Happy Father’s Day to all the dads out there.

On Monday June 17th, weed survey and treatment with Diaquat will begin and last through Tuesday the 18th. You will see a “nurse” boat anchored at various areas around the lake which will provide assistance to the boat applying the Diaquat. This treatment is for the weed growth in the lake.

If you irrigate with water from the lake, please turn off your systems until Thursday the 20th.

Lake Treatments 2024

The following is a new requirement for treatment notices for treatments in 2024.

Business and Residential Notice

This notice is delivered to residents and businesses that are within the treatment zone or within 1⁄4 mile of a treatment zone.

Distribution Date: 15 April 2024

Steilacoom Lake waters and shoreline will/may be treated MULTIPLE times with aquatic herbicide and algaecides between the dates of 25 April 2024 and 30 September 2024. All days/weeks WILL NOT incur treatment. Shoreline Notifications will be posted prior to or days of treatment.

Product(s) planned for use: Fluridone, Tribune, Aquathol K, Imazapyr, 24D, Flumigard, Hydrothol and ZV Iron Active ingredient(s): Fluridone, Diquat Dibromide, Dipotassium Salt of Endothall, Isopropylamine salt of

Imazapyr, Dimethylanine Salt of 2, 4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic Acid, Flumioxazin and Mono-Salt of Endothall

Plants/Algae targeted: Any Noxious vegetation throughout the waterbody along with nuisance vegetation including Large Leaf Pondweed, Watershield and water lily. Algae will be controlled throughout the year to reduce the chances of harmful algae blooms.

Location of treatment(s): Different locations around the lake will be treated for vegetation. Iron will be strategically applied throughout the waterbody to reduce the phosphorous load. Algae may be treated throughout the whole waterbody if required.

The applicator will post signs in the treated and potentially affected areas no more than 48 hours prior to treatment. The signs will describe any water use restrictions or advisories.

If you are withdrawing water for potable or domestic water use, livestock watering, or irrigation, and have no alternate water source, please contact Northwest Aquatic MANAGEMENT at or calling (360) 890-2854 to arrange an alternate water supply.

If you want additional notification prior to treatment, or have further questions, please contact me using the information above.

This herbicide treatment is regulated under a permit issued by the Washington State Department of Ecology. Permit No. WAG994057

Santa’s Ride 2023

The club received a text yesterday to let us know that Santa will be joining us today. He will only be making one pass this year at 1:00 PM. He will be starting from the Southeast end of the lake and may be entering the coves if the water levels allow. Let’s all go out thank him for our wonderful Christmas gifts this year. 

The HUGE 4th Lake Steilacoom Boat Parade

Get your boat decorating game on and let’s rock the 4th to make this the greatest boat parade to date! Last year there was an incredible amount of participation and the decorations keep getting amped up each year. Let’s keep the momentum going. Chairman Brad Boeder will lead the charge around the lake so let’s all keep up. No stragglers please. Brad will be making some key announcements pre-parade so please try to be punctual at the designated meeting time.

Date – July 4, 2023
Place – Meet place is the Southwest side of the bridge
Time – 11:15 AM gathering for a departure no later than 11:30 AM

The Lakewood Original House of Donuts has graciously agreed to donate again, for best representation by a secret panel of judges in the following categories:

Most Creative – Best Decorated – Best Independence Day Representation – Best 4th Spirit – Judges Favorite

Of course, one could win in multiple categories. Last year it was apparent some Judges were swayed by the swag handouts, just sayin’.

As always, we will circumnavigate the lake in the counter clockwise fashion. We will be entering the Evergreen Lagoon, however not all boats will be able to enter the Ice Rink Lagoon as the draft of their boats won’t permit them to, laden with decorations, passengers and libations. If you live in the Ice Rink lagoon, perhaps find a friendly dock to join up to enjoy the parade. Boat participants, do be aware that there will be judges in each of the lagoons if you want votes!

Happy Independence Day to all and lets have fun and be safe.

Lake Lowering

Many of you may have noticed the lake has dropped considerably. We were instructed by the department of fisheries to lower the dam earlier than we usually do to keep enough water flow for the fish in the creek.

The lack of rain and inflow has caused an accelerated depletion of the water level and can make it troublesome to take your watercraft out of the lake at the public launch. A word of caution as someone had dumped large chunks of concrete in the water which can cause damage to props.

Annual LSIC Meeting

The annual meeting of the lakefront homeowners will be held on Thursday, October 27th at 6:00 PM. The meeting will be held at the Lakewood City Hall in the Council Chambers.

Discussion will include update one the 2022 season treatments as well as the treatment plan for 2023. Additionally, the board recommended budget for 2023 and self assessment will be discussed and put to an approval vote. Directors will be presented and voted upon as well.

If you wish to be considered for a board position, please contact us by responding to the MailChimp mailing that was sent earlier.

We look forward to seeing you there.

Weed Treatment

Many of you have noticed quite a bit of floating weed mats in various areas on the lake. It’s a bit unusual, however, we have experienced this condition in the past.

As you may be aware our permit does not allow for treatment until after June 15th. We are scheduled to start treatment on the 16th and 17th weather dependent. Due to new directorship at the department of ecology, we are now required to do the treatments over two days instead of what usually would take one. Your docks should be posted on the 14th or 15th.

It is helpful if you could keep your boating activity down for a couple of days to facilitate better disbursement of the Diaquat weed killer. Additionally, we have secured enough Hydrothol for 2 lake treatments as the availability has become restricted as well as substantial price increases. 

Looking forward to a weed and algae free summer for all of us to enjoy.

Your Lake Steilacoom Improvement Club Board